Fundraising BBQ raises $277 - September 20, 2016
The club held a fund raising sausage sizzle on Saturday, 20th September at the Woolworths Supermarket in Stawell. Thanks to Bridget McCartan for organising the event and a roster of club volunteers. After a slow start, sales picked up around 10 am when the smoke alarm was activated in store and a complete evacuation was ordered. Fortuitously, a hungry crew of CFA volunteers arrived producing the biggest single customer sale of the day. And no it wasn't us who set it off.
By the end of the day, a profit of $277 was earned. Unfortunately it was the day of the football final reducing the number of customers at the supermarket, but all in all a successful event. Thanks again to Bridget who organized the booking. A big thank you to the volunteers on the day: Graham Carr, Gail, Phil, Atalia Chaplin and Roger Spratt.
By the end of the day, a profit of $277 was earned. Unfortunately it was the day of the football final reducing the number of customers at the supermarket, but all in all a successful event. Thanks again to Bridget who organized the booking. A big thank you to the volunteers on the day: Graham Carr, Gail, Phil, Atalia Chaplin and Roger Spratt.